Monday, May 18, 2009

Prison Break, The Best Series Ever....


cite ni da abis. td ptg tgk ngn member, ending die plak ade 2-in-1, hepi ngn sad ending together-gether. mmg xdisangke scofield akn mati akhirnye (oops, spoiler ke). ingtkn da sembuh da. haih. mmg klo tgk byk kali cite ni pn, aku xkn rs bosan. hehe.

fyp aku pn da smpi ms tuk presentation slase nih. alhamdulillah siap gk akhirnye. klo la aku tau drp awl ade simulator mcm proteus tu, xyah ssh2 aku pk cmne nk design. huhuh. software ni mmg byk mmbntu tuk aku siapkn projek ni. software ni msih br lg kt uniten, aku pn tatau ade.

sape2 yg nk software proteus ni, aku bleh share. software ni kene pkai license. klo xde license, mmg kene gi lab je la ari2. tp sbb da ade crack ni, bt kt umah pn bleh run. hehe.

p/s: sori la klo spoiler. pray for my presentation to go on smoothly this tuesday.

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